Young girls, boys, women and men in poverty, often from rural India, become victims of trafficking when they seek opportunities for survival or livelihood in cities of India. In most of the cases, traffickers entrap them by luring marriage, better life and livelihood options, and sell them into sex trade or subject them to debt bondage and slavery.
They live a life full of unspeakable misery, abuse and torture. Some of them manage to escape and return to their families. But they struggle to cope with poverty, stigma and violence in their families and communities.
For example, the life of a young woman, who has faced deprivation, has had little or no opportunities for education, livelihoods, and now must face rejections amongst her own relatives, friends, neighbors can be defeating. Even when she manages to escape the exploitation of traffickers, she finds herself being incarcerated in shelter homes. There is little help that she has that can help her to fight stigma, to find employment, to get her health and welfare services that she needs to become healthy and self-reliant.